自怨自艾 歌词

歌曲:自怨自艾歌手:贯诗钦作词:贯诗钦作曲:贯诗钦所属专辑:《不可复制》发行时间:2012-04-28 歌词:在寂寞中寂寞的徘徊回忆它熏湿了眼在孤独中孤独的自在我自怨自艾的叹you said you were busy at that timeI saw you were shopping with someone elseoh oh she is just your friendyou call this friend every night whyyou said you are having funi am the only one that you like that you careYou cross your heart never lieBut i know, you say this to heri dont want to be cheatedbut it happens so many timesi quit your stupid gamefor me, you are a nightmareI hate yougoodbye for goodmy ex-boyfriend在寂寞中寂寞的徘徊回忆它熏湿了眼在孤独中孤独的自在我自怨自艾的叹